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Issue #59: Evolution X, KubeCon & NativeCon

The vote for the September 2019 Community Choice SourceForge Project --

Issue #59 - August 7, 2019

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Community Choice Project of the Month for August

For our August 2019 "Community Choice" Project of the Month, the community elected Evolution X, an AOSP based ROM with Pixel UI, Android Q vibes, customization and more. Project Founder and Lead Developer Joey Huab shared some thoughts about the project's history, purpose, and direction. Check out the full interview here

Vote For September's Project of the Month

The vote for the September 2019 Community Choice SourceForge Project of the Month is now available, and will run until August 15, 2019 12:00 UTC. Also check out the blog here for full descriptions of each project.

The candidates for SourceForge Project of the Month for September 2019 are:



Virtual joystick devices seen by the system as a standard joystick but its position-data is written to it by a feeder application


Custom Android firmware that is simple, unique and stable


An interpreted language and very portable interpreter for that language


Fedora Remix for Raspberry Pi® 2/3 computers


Disk defragmenter for Windows


A secure data removal tool for Windows


MIUI Custom ROM for Xiaomi Devices

Apache OpenOffice Extensions

The official catalog of Apache OpenOffice extensions


Ports of Unix and GNU software to MS-Windows

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Featured Article

See our Q&A session with Telmo Silva, CEO at ClicData. Telmo is a University of Toronto Engineering graduate (BASc) who has circumnavigated the globe implementing ERP, CRM, and BI enterprise applications in food/retail, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, and manufacturing. Check out the full article here.

Featured SourceForge Deals

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Conferences and Events

Open Source Summit North America
August 21 - 23, 2019

Join over 2,000 developers, technologists and industry experts in an exchange of ideas on the latest trends in open source and open collaboration, how to navigate the open source landscape, and how open source is shaping innovation. The Open Source Summit will take place in San Diego, California.

All Things Open
October 13-15, 2019

Join 4,000+ technologists, decision makers and community members in Raleigh, NC, to explore open source, open tech, and the open web in enterprise.

KubeCon & NativeCon
Nov 19 - 21, 2019

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation's flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in San Diego, California. Join us as the community gathers for four days to further the education and advancement of cloud native computing.

Today in Tech

On this day in 1944 the IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator or ASCC was formally presented to Harvard University by then IBM president Thomas J. Watson Sr. The ASCC was a general purpose electromechanical computer that was devised by American physicist Howard Aiken and built by IBM. One of the earliest digital computers, it was a curious mix of punch card technology and simple electronics, and was used in the war effort during the latter part of World War II. Upon its transfer into Harvard, the ASCC was renamed the Harvard Mark I. Find out more about this supercomputer here.

Help Wanted

C++ programmers with MFC know-how to help out with reviving Qualcomm Eudora, the cult eMail app from the 90's.

If you are looking for an Open Source project to contribute your time to, or if you are someone who wants to advertise your skills, check out the Help Wanted page or Project Wanted page.

Final Thoughts

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Thanks for being part of the SourceForge community! And, if you need to get in touch directly, feel free to send us an email at

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