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Open Source Is Growing, But Not How It Should

For our January "Staff Pick" Project of the Month, we selected Superior OS, an AOSP based ROM that works on Android OS 9 (Pie) -- Email not displaying correctly?
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Issue #70 - January 22, 2020

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January 2020, "Staff Choice" Project of the Month

For our January "Staff Pick" Project of the Month, we selected Superior OS, an AOSP based ROM that works on Android OS 9 (Pie)

Superior OS offers several great features, including:
  • Traffic indicators
  • Double-tap to sleep
  • H/W keys customisation
  • Enable/Disable Navbar
  • Three Finger Screenshot
  • Accent Color Manager, among many others.

Projects of the Month:

Chameleons are cool


An advanced network simulator to design and configure virtual networks


A safe way to flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives
It's a squirrel btw

SQuirreL SQL Client

A Java SQL client for any JDBC compliant database


Open Source Computer Vision Library


An interactive viewer for three-dimensional chemical structures.

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Open Source Is Growing, But Not How It Should

Something untoward has been happening to open source, and it's become quite apparent in recent years.

Powering everything from AI to the Cloud, open source has certainly been growing rapidly for some time now. But while all seems to be progressing well on the surface, underneath only a small number of developers are actually doing all the work.

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Conferences and Events

FOSDEM 2020 February 1-2, 2020
FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate.
Every year, thousands of developers of free and open source software from all over the world gather at the event in Brussels.

Southern California Linux Expo(SCALE) March 5-8, 2020
The Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE) is an annual Linux, open source and free software conference held in Los Angeles, California

Open Source Summit North America June 22-24, 2020
Open Source Summit North America (OSS NA) is the leading conference for developers, architects, and other technologists – as well as open source community and industry leaders – to collaborate, share information, learn about the latest technologies and gain a competitive advantage by using innovative open solutions.

Help Wanted

Developers wanted to develop a universal invoice system where invoices can be paid.
Looking for HTML, CSS, JavaScript (also jQuery), PHP, and MySQL developers.

If you are looking for an Open Source project to contribute your time to, or if you are someone who wants to advertise your skills, check out the Help Wanted page

Final Thoughts

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