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Doubling the Speed of Python


Developer Workshop: Module 2 - CI/CD Pipelines 
Join experts from DevOps Institute and AWS to learn how to implement a well-engineered CI/CD pipeline that considers governance and provides traceability from idea to production.

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Microsoft Funds a Team with Guido van Rossum to Double the Speed of Python
"Guido van Rossum, who created popular programming language Python 30 years ago, has outlined his ambitions to make it twice as fast; addressing a key weakness of Python compared to faster languages like C++."

Popular Projects

project 1 Windowsfx 10
Windowsfx was developed for users who have computers that used Microsoft Windows 7 and cannot run Windows 10.

project 2 ModAssistant
ModAssistant is a simple PC mod installer for Beat Saber, using mods from BeatMods.

project 3 DS4Windows
DS4Windows allows you to use a DualShock 4 Controller on your PC

project 4 Universal Media Server
Streams many media formats with minimal configuration

project 5 Otter Browser
Project aiming to recreate the best aspects of Opera 12.x UI using Qt5

Build apps faster to fight climate change with Code Engine  
Register for the free Call for Code: Code Engine Hackathon on May 22 & 23.
Learn how you can fast-track your cloud native development.
Then take on climate change in the Call for Code 2021 Global Challenge

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An Abridged Guide to the Enterprise Linux Landscape
Today, Linux comes in every shape and size imaginable — with the kernel running on tiny low power computers and IoT devices, mobile phones, tablets, laptops all the way up to midrange and high-power mainframe servers.

Cutting through that expansive selection to understand which Linux distributions truly align with the needs of a business can lead to more frictionless deployments and successful execution while minimizing waste in maintenance cycles and optimizing overall cost.

Learn More
Conferences and Events (Live and Virtual)

IT Nation Secure June 21 - 23, 2021
The IT industry's must-attend cybersecurity training event to help you reduce risk, transform your business, and streamline service delivery of cybersecurity solutions for your clients. 

Integrate 2021 Remote May 12 - 18, 2021
INTEGRATE REMOTE 2021 brings together experts in the Microsoft Integration Space for a fully virtual conference. The 3-day event, with Speakers from the Microsoft Product Group and the Global Integration Community transports the INTEGRATE experience to wherever you are and connects you to the global community.

Game Developers Conference July 19 - 23, 2021
The Game Developers Conference (GDC) brings the game development community together to exchange ideas, solve problems, and shape the future of the industry across five days of education, inspiration, and networking.  
Final Thoughts

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