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On the Importance of Open Source


Orchestrating continuous delivery for cloud-native applications  
Join this webinar with AWS experts to learn how self-service deployment platforms for developers can enable rapid feedback and speed time-to-market by standardizing on production-like environments and orchestrating delivery pipelines.

Register now
Fedora's Lead Speaks on the Popularity of Linux and the Importance of Open Source  
Fedora project leader Matthew Miller spoke to TechRepublic's Jack Wallen this week, sharing some thoughts on the future of Linux — and on open source in general

Popular Projects

project 1 Ferdi
Ferdi is a desktop app that helps you get organized and work more efficiently by having all of your favorite apps in one application.

project 1 ZinjaI
Lightweight and easy to use cross-platform C++ IDE

project 1 ArchiveOS
Archive of Operating Systems mission is saving the great job of many great people whose created Open Source and/or Freeware operating systems.

project 1
Portable software for cloud, local, and portable USB drives.

project 1 TurboVNC
High-speed, 3D-friendly, TightVNC-compatible remote desktop software

Save the date: Upstream is June 7, 2022  
Please join us for Upstream, a one-day celebration of open source, the developers who use it, and the maintainers who create it.

This 100% virtual, completely free event will bring together like-minded application developers, open source project maintainers, and the extended network of people who care most about their work.

RSVP now
Self-Hosted Static Homepages: Dashy Vs. Homer  
Self-hosted homepages are a great way to manage your home lab or cloud services. If you're anything like me chances are, you have a variety of docker containers, media servers, and NAS portals all over the place. Using simple bookmarks to keep track of everything often isn't enough. With a self-hosted homepage, you can view everything you need from anywhere. And you can add integrations and other features to help you better manage everything you need to.

Conferences and Events (Live and Virtual)

Get your free pass to ioniconf 2022! | May 25, 2022

Join thousands of web developers from around the world for this exciting 100% virtual event! Ioniconf 2022 will feature a packed lineup of amazing speakers, innovative developer contributions, and achievements made by the global Ionic community.

NorthSec Conference | May 15 - May 22, 2022

Subjects covered will be as diverse as pentesting, network security, software and/or hardware exploitation, web hacking, reverse engineering, malware and cryptography.

Droidcon | June 2 - June 3, 2022

For 12 years, developers from around the world have gathered at droidcon events to listen to keynote speakers, attend workshops, grow their skills, and connect with other passionate Android developers.
Final Thoughts

If you know someone who is not getting this mailing, encourage them to sign up.

Thanks for being part of the SourceForge community! And, if you need to get in touch directly, feel free to send us an email at


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