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Language in the Future 'Human-Machine Era'


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Ask Slashdot: What Will Language Be Like In a Future 'Human-Machine Era'?  
Long-time Slashdot reader united_notions is trying to envision "the 'human-machine era', a time when the tech has moved out of our hands and into our ears, eyes, and brains."

Popular Projects

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How to Use the VI Editor in Linux  
So, what's VI editor? VI is a text editor that's screen-oriented and the most popular in the Linux world. The reasons for its popularity are
  • Availability for almost all Linux distros.
  • VI works the same throughout multiple platforms.
  • Its user-friendly features.

  • Currently, VI Improved or VIM is the most used advanced counterpart of VI. To work on the VI text editor, you have to know how to use the VI editor in Linux.

    Conferences and Events (Live and Virtual)

    VSLive! | June 13 - 17, 2022

    Visual Studio Live! is proud to be one of the most respected, longest-standing independent developer conferences, bringing folks together for intense developer education on the Microsoft Stack, knowledge-share, and networking since 1993.

    XP 2022 | June 13 - 17, 2022

    XP is the premier Agile software development conference to combine both research and practice. It is a unique forum where Agile researchers, practitioners, thought leaders, coaches, and trainers get together to present and discuss their most recent innovations and research results.

    React Summit | June 17 - 21, 2022

    React Summit is an annual conference on all things React, gathering thousands of Front-end and Full-stack engineers from around the world.
    Final Thoughts

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