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Is Firefox OK?


Humanizing artificial intelligence for better process automation  
Intelligent Automation uses uniquely human strengths—like intuition and judgment—and combines them with intelligent tools like artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA) to deliver superior organizational outcomes. Easily apply UX/UI templates, and connect plus manage popular technology services.

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Is Firefox OK?  
At the end of 2008, Firefox was flying high. Twenty percent of the 1.5 billion people online were using Mozilla's browser to navigate the web. In Indonesia, Macedonia, and Slovenia, more than half of everyone going online was using Firefox. "Our market share in the regions above has been growing like crazy," Ken Kovash, Mozilla's data analytics team manager at the time, wrote in a blog post. Almost 15 years later, things aren't so rosy.

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Popular Projects

project 1 Pidgin IM
A universal instant messaging (IM) program

project 1 WayDroid
A container-based approach to boot a full Android system on a regular GNU/Linux system like Ubuntu.

project 1 Frappe Books
Free Desktop book-keeping software for small-businesses and freelancers

project 1 QuakeSpasm
A modern, cross-platform Quake game engine based on FitzQuake.

project 1 ScreenToGif
Open-source software suite for e-book management
Open Source Community to Gather in LA for SCALE 19x  
As this continent's largest community-run Linux/FOSS expo, SCALE 19x continues a nearly two-decade tradition of bringing the latest Free/Open Source Software developments, DevOps, Security and related trends to the general public during the course of the four-day event.

Whether you are interested in low level system tuning, how to scale and secure your applications, or how to use OSS at home - SCALE is for you.

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Conferences and Events (Live and Virtual)

Selenium Conference 2022 | July 29 - 30, 2022

A conference that brings together Selenium developers and enthusiasts from around the world to share ideas, socialize, and work together on advancing the present and future of Selenium.

360idev Conference | August 28 - 31, 2022

The Best of the Swift Developer Community, under one roof!

Droidcon | September 01 - 02, 2022

For 13 years, developers from around the world have gathered at droidcon events to listen to keynote speakers, attend workshops, grow their skills and connect with other passionate Android developers.
Final Thoughts

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