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Microsoft Changes Policy Against the Sale of Open Source Software


Demo - CRUD for NoSQL using .NET, Node.js, or Java  
Want to get your app up and running fast using NoSQL? This short demo will show you how to use your favorite platform, environment, and language to perform the major CRUD operations in a NoSQL database.

Use Couchbase Capella™ DBaaS to run basic queries of JSON document data and simple key-value operations.

Sign up now!
Microsoft Changes Policy Against the Sale of Open Source Software  
Having previously upset software developers by implementing a ban on the sale of open source software in its app store, Microsoft has reversed its decision.

Popular Projects

project 1 FlightGear - Flight Simulator
Founded in 1997, FlightGear is developed by a worldwide group of volunteers, brought together by a shared ambition to create the most realistic flight simulator possible that is free to use, modify and distribute.

project 1 nmon for Linux
Linux performance monitoring on-screen or to CSV file

project 1 WinLaunch
OS X Launchpad for Windows

project 1 Open Camera
Open Camera is an Open Source Camera app for Android(TM) phones and tablets.

project 1 PyCmd
PyCmd is a smart command prompt extension for Windows' cmd.exe; its purpose is to emulate a few power features of UNIX shells (decent Tab-completion, persistent history, etc.)

Intelligent Automation is the next level of RPA adoption  
Intelligent Automation is not about replacing people. Instead, IA uses uniquely human strengths—like intuition and judgment—and combines them with intelligent tools like artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA) to deliver superior organizational outcomes.

Download the eBook

Get The Nonprofit Donor Retention Checklist!  
Are you working at a nonprofit and looking to increase your donor retention rate? Get Neon One's Donor Retention Checklist — complete with a 12-month timeline, email examples, and a 5-step process to build your donor retention strategy. Get the checklist and start increasing your donor retention rate.

Get the checklist and start increasing your donor retention rate.
Conferences and Events (Live and Virtual)

Selenium Conference 2022 | July 29 - 30, 2022

A conference that brings together Selenium developers and enthusiasts from around the world to share ideas, socialize, and work together on advancing the present and future of Selenium.

360idev Conference | August 28 - 31, 2022

The Best of the Swift Developer Community, under one roof!

Droidcon | September 01 - 02, 2022

For 13 years, developers from around the world have gathered at droidcon events to listen to keynote speakers, attend workshops, grow their skills and connect with other passionate Android developers.
Final Thoughts

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Thanks for being part of the SourceForge community! And, if you need to get in touch directly, feel free to send us an email at


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