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Southwest Meltdown Shows Airlines Need Tighter Software Integration


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Southwest Meltdown Shows Airlines Need Tighter Software Integration  

The Southwest Airlines meltdown that stranded thousands of passengers during one of the busiest travel weeks of the year exposed a major industry shortcoming: crew-scheduling technology that was largely built for a bygone era and is due for a major overhaul.

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Real Estate Farming Guide for AGENTS                                                 Sponsored

Learn how to (1) build your real estate brand, (2) dominate your target area, and (3) get listings with a long-term strategy. Also included in the FREE guide: Door-knocking log, scripts, and email/text templates.

Conferences and Events (Live and Virtual)

Open Source Summit | May 10 - 12, 2023

Open Source Summit is the premier event for open source developers, technologists, and community leaders to collaborate, share information, solve problems, and gain knowledge, furthering open source innovation and ensuring a sustainable open source ecosystem. It is the gathering place for open-source code and community contributors.

Rust Nation | February 16 - 17, 2023

Join hundreds of Rust developers for two exciting days of Rust talks, training and workshops.

Black Hat Spring Trainings 2023 | March 13 - 16, 2023

Develop in-demand cybersecurity skills in technical Trainings taught by expert instructors from around the world. From infrastructure hacking to incident response, there's a course for individuals of all experience levels. Expand your security talent in just 4 days.
Final Thoughts

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